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Seshat Exhibit

What You Will Find Inside

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What is Ancient Public History?



Learn an about who this goddess is and how she is represented historically.


An Ancient Public Historian

Seshat was a writer, recorder of history, archivist, and head of the library. She may have been the first public historian in history.


Seshat in Ancient Temples

Here, she may be hidden or lesser known than other goddesses and gods. If you can get to Egypt, you will find her all around. Here are some of the image of Seshat on temple walls.


Seshat in Museums

We scoured the world for different ways she is represented in Egyptian collections at famous museums.


Seshat in Libraries and Archives

She is a librarian and archivist, and sometimes you can also find her in these places that fall under her divine domain.


Modern Scribes

She is a scribe, she teaches scribes, and she is the personification of writing. Connecting to Seshat on a spiritual level can help modern scribes up their writing game and find more creativity and productivity. If you take one look at her you'll know -she is all about getting the writing done!


Seshat as the Star Goddess

In this exhibit, we have offered all the historical information we could find on Seshat. But could it be, her existence and her place in her culture was far more brilliant than we can imagine by looking at her image in a temple relief? You be the judge.


Bibliography and Sources

I am not an Egyptologist or archeologist and I do not have the skills of being able to expertly interpret hieroglyphics. I am so grateful to all who have written about Seshat over time. Every book and research paper I could find on Seshat was reviewed for this exhibit. I have attributed the information to each source to the best of my ability.

Cover Image Credits:


All photos on this page were licensed from Depositphotos.com, with the exception of the image of Seshat on the "Goddess Seshat and Ancient Public History" welcome graphic, which is used with the permission of The Brooklyn Museum, and the Adoration of Seshat inkwell image which was provided with permissions from WikiMedia.


The illustration of Seshat that appears on this page and throughout this exhibit was rendered in seven different forms by Grialex at Fiverr.com. The photo and illustration compositions on this page and through the exhibit were all created by Qamber Designs and Media, using photos of different historical settings from Depositphotos.com and the illustration of Seshat created by Grialex.

I am most grateful to them all.

Copyright for Written Content


All content on this website was written and designed by Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway and is published by Goddess Communications, LCC. This is a student exhibit. It is presented in the spirit of education and all quotes shared from the work of others are attributed with the intention of honoring fair usage copyright laws. Laurie Sue Brockway is an author, interfaith minister, student of public history, and independent scholar focused on ancient public history and goddess spirituality.